Saturday, November 7, 2009

Get Involved

Its been a while since we have written on this site. Not that anyone would have noticed.
things are getting uglier by the day.
I would like to ask the American people what it is they see in Obama. I mean sure he speaks well, but what he is DOING is of no concern to anyone? Does anyone understand the Afghanistan war? Who are we fighting? we own their rulers, they are our puppetts already. And all we seem to be doing is protecting the poppy feilds. and all of afghan polititians are renouned drug runner/smuglers. Remember, we put them there. On top of that, CIA admits they have been trading guns for drugs for years. They ADMIt this! What do the american people need? Signed confessions? Because that is not going to happen.
We will be joining in on sit-ins at major health insurance companies. Demanding they stop refusing coverage for other wise fatal operations.
HUG YOUR BANK- Look it up. And sign up!
SWIM is starting a pirate radio station in the Silver spring/DC area soon. Will update frequencies when SWIM lets me know its up and running. Should prove to be interesting. Revolutionary theories and great music.
I sujest you all watch "we the people". a freind of mine made the documentary. It follows obama for a couple years, very sad movie. Whats important is how much obama seems to be acting a role at all times, rather then being human and kind hearted. He truly is well trained in his character.

Some links :

Also, Why is no one talking about the Honduras coup. I mean talk about The CIA at its finest.
check this out :

Keep fighting the good fight.
Over and Out

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

H1N1 Vaccine, The silent killer.

I would like to encourage everyone to NOT take the swine flu "vaccine". It ispoisonous and far more dangerous than the flu itself. It was poorly made by Baxter, a company that will be profiting enormously off of injecting this poison into you and your children. It is interesting to note that the brand name for this vaccine was registered by Baxter over a year ago, yes that is before the swine flu so-called "outbreak" .They have been given immunity from any lawsuits that will result from this mass poisoning. And so have the doctors who will be administering the shots. All scientist researching the origins of the flu have either dissapeared or died mysteriously.
All american citisens are required by law to take the vaccine. They are even planning on taging the people that have to know who still needs to receive it. The governement has granted the police department to break into your house with no warrant and take you to a "camp" if they beleive you are infected. All citizens are required to take this vaccine or be wisked off by the pigs.
It is time to fight back. Other countries know this vaccine is dangerous, Even the French media has reported this. Sadly our news networks care more about their investors then your lives, and have failed to mention even the slightest controversy over this vaccine. I Urge everyone to refuse vaccination, they cant lock us all up! It is time to realise your government is not on your side. Either fight for freedom, or be trampled by tirany.

Freedom, Revolution, Evolution, and Enlightenment


Let me start by introducing myself. I am 83. I am the creator and one of the writers on this blog.
We are FREE. A group dedicated to freeing the masses from mental slavery, and spreading the teachings of love and peace. Both theoretically and physically. We are against all people who profit from the misery and/or death of others, the monetary system, positions of power, division of classes, the supressment of thoughts and wisdom, and much more. We wish to open the minds of as many people as possible, the sooner we are all awake, the sooner the global crimes will cease. Please join us in our quest for global enlightenment, and search for a life of balance where we can all be FREE.